Donate for the sake of Allah

Sponsor Orphans and Widows

$8,419.00 raised


Your donation will make a difference no matter how little

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Orphans deserve our attention

In a community where poverty is already widespread the situation is so difficult for women and children who have parents to take care of them. Imagine the situation of those children who have lost their fathers and women who lost their husands.

The women is suddenly left in charge. They have the full responsibility of taking care of the children including bringing food to the table, education, medical care etc. On top of that they need to be available to fulfill their responsibilities as a mother out of which the most important is to give tarbiyah to the children.

If we abadnon these orphans then we are leaving them vulnerable to be corrupted by the evil ones among the community who are looking for easy targets. So when these children are neglected not only do they suffer but the community also suffers as a whole.

What is special about An-Nadaa Orphan & Widow Care

Everyone gives cash handouts but An-Nadaa goes beyond that and does something special. An-Nadaa team interview the widow who is taking care of the orphan. Then evaluate how to train and assist them to setup an income where they do not need to beg for sustenance. Not only this but the nature of work is selected carefully so that the widow is not distracted away from the children and can take care of the tarbiyyah of her children.

The reward

As confirmed by the prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم the reward is so huge for this simple action.Abu Huraira reported that Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said:

One who looks after the orphan whether he is his relative or not, I and he would be together in Paradise like this, (drawing his index finger and middle finger close together). [Sahih Muslim 2983]

For further Information

If you need any further information or assistance in payment process you can contact any of the below numbers via whatsapp or send us an email on [email protected]

  • +60196053686 (Qairul Reeza Othman - English/Malay)
  • +2348066942685 (Abdul Rahman Nuhu- English/Hausa)
  • +97339101910 (Bader AlBader - English/Arabic)
  • +923088820338 (Salman Shah - English/Urdu)

Direct transfers

When doing a direct transfer we need our donors to send us an email detailing the purpose of the donation and a proof of transfer especially if it's for Zakat purpose. Contact information can be found here.

Nigeria Dollar Account

You can transfer funds directly to our bank account in Nigeria (USD)

Bank Name
Bank Guaranty Trust Bank
Account Number
Account Name
ANNADAA Educational Foundation
Sort Code

Malaysian Ringgit Account

You can transfer funds directly to our bank account in Malaysia (MYR).

Bank Name
Account Number
Account Name
Pertubuhan An-Nadaa Malaysia

Donate for the

sake of Allah

Your donation will go to where it is needed the most.

[email protected]
+234 806 781 4149
+234 703 873 1615
No. 57, Imam Road, Tudun Wada,
Zaria Kaduna State, Nigeria

Unit B-17 StreetMall Jalan Gerbang
Wawasan 1
Bangi Gateway Seksyen 15 43650
Banda Bangi
Selangor Darul Ehsan Malaysia
+60 19 605 3686