Sadaqah Jariyah
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Support us in constructing a male ward for the An-Nadaa Hospital.
Help us to expand our waqf which is in the form of a hospital. The money earned from this waqf will be used for
All praise is to Allah . Alhamdu Lillah Since An-Nadaa hospital has become operational women and children in the community are benefitting a lot. Having mentioned this please also note that adult men are also in need of quality treatment just like women and children. They have been coming to An-Nadaa Hospital but until recently have been turned away completely so that the environment is preserved for the women.
Recently An-Nadaa has started taking emergency cases of critical nature for adult males where the patient is stabilized in emergency ward and then shifted to another hospital. However the absence of a ward for men means they cannot get complete treatment as they will not be admitted to the existing wards otherwise the sisters privacy might be compromised.
Based on this an additional block has been planned in which the main purpose is to add a male ward.
Construction of the building is underway now. A breakdown of construction is given below:
Phase1: Foundation Cost:15,010.00 USD/ 65,200.00RM Funds Raised: 100% completed Work Progress: 100% Completed
Phase 2: Structure Ground Floor Cost: 21,750.00 USD / 94,500.00RM Funds Raised: 100% completed Work Progress: 100% Completed
Phase 3: Structure First Floor Floor Cost: 21,750.00 USD / 94,500.00RM Funds Raised: 100% completed Work Progress: Under Construction
Phase 4: Structure Second Floor Cost: 21,750.00 USD / 94,500.00RM Funds Raised: 100% completed Work Progress: To be Started
Phase 5: Fittings & Finishes - Ground Floor Cost: 21,250.00 USD/ 92,350.00 RM Funds Raised: Partially Funded Work Progress: To be started
Phase 6: Fittings & Finishes - First Floor Cost: Cost: 18,500.00 USD/ 80,400.00 RM Funds Raised: To be started Work Progress: To be started
Phase 7: Fittings & Finishes - Second Floor Cost: 15,000.00 USD / 65,150.00 RM Funds Raised: To be started Work Progress: To be started
Currently we are in the construction stage. After the construction stage is completed we will need to purchase furnish and equipment. That will be followed by the last step of becoming operational ready by hiring staff, purchasing consumables etc.
The money will be used for construction of a new block in the An-Nadaa hospital. The new block will primarily be for the male ward. The new block will add the below facilities to the hospital
This project is a sadaqah jariyah in multiple ways
You can support the expansion of this hospital by
If you need any further information or assistance in payment process you can contact any of the below numbers via whatsapp
When doing a direct transfer we need our donors to send us an email detailing the purpose of the donation and a proof of transfer especially if it's for Zakat purpose. Contact information can be found here.
You can transfer funds directly to our bank account in Nigeria (USD)
You can transfer funds directly to our bank account in Malaysia (MYR).
[email protected]
+234 806 781 4149
+234 703 873 1615
No. 57, Imam Road, Tudun Wada,
Zaria Kaduna State, Nigeria
Unit B-17 StreetMall Jalan Gerbang
Wawasan 1
Bangi Gateway Seksyen 15 43650
Banda Bangi
Selangor Darul Ehsan Malaysia
+60 19 605 3686