Donate for the sake of Allah

Botswana Dawah Center

$44,003.37 of $83,300.00 raised

Your donation will make a difference no matter how little

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Botswana is a country of 2.63 Million people of which only 25,000 are Muslim. We have been involved in dawah since 2018. Many people have become Muslim from these efforts. To make the effort more consistent and effective an Islamic center needs to be established.

Purpose of the Dawah Center

Supporting New muslims

New Muslims in Botswana face two immediate challenges

  • Immense pressure from the community to revert back to their old religion
  • Learning the essentials of Islam like aqeedah, prayer, zakah, fasting etc.

This center will act as a support system for new Muslims where they will be taught what is essential for them to learn in Islam and also to knit them together in a community of fellow Muslims who can sustain them when the people around them boycott them and give them undue problems just because they have become Muslims.

Dawah Platform

Additionally the center will act as platform to spread the message of Islam through developing and implementing dawah programs like

  • village outreach
  • dawah booths
  • developing dawah material (print and audio/visual) in the local language

How much is needed

The total annual budget of this center is USD 83,300. This includes the below

  • Rent
  • Salaries
  • Utilities
  • Internet
  • Furniture and equipment
  • Miscelleneous Expenses
  • Dawah Material (Books, pamphlets etc)

Reward for Dawah

Whoever points others towards doing good will have a reward like that of the one who does it.” Narrated by Muslim, 133. 

Imagine every salaah, tasbeeh, charity, fasting etc done by these Muslims after learning from this center will be written as a good deed for anyone who supports this project. Indeed Allah is the most Generous and most Praiseworthy.

“By Allaah, if Allaah were to guide one man through you, that would be better for you than having red camels [the best kind].” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 3701; Muslim, 2406 

How you can support

You can support this project by donating, sharing with those whom you expect to benefit this project and making duaa for its success.

Donate through Bank Transfer: Maybank Pertubuhan An-Nadaa Malaysia 562263544473 Reference: Botswana Center

Direct transfers

When doing a direct transfer we need our donors to send us an email detailing the purpose of the donation and a proof of transfer especially if it's for Zakat purpose. Contact information can be found here.

Nigeria Dollar Account

You can transfer funds directly to our bank account in Nigeria (USD)

Bank Name
Bank Guaranty Trust Bank
Account Number
Account Name
ANNADAA Educational Foundation
Sort Code

Malaysian Ringgit Account

You can transfer funds directly to our bank account in Malaysia (MYR).

Bank Name
Account Number
Account Name
Pertubuhan An-Nadaa Malaysia

Donate for the

sake of Allah

Your donation will go to where it is needed the most.

[email protected]
+234 806 781 4149
+234 703 873 1615
No. 57, Imam Road, Tudun Wada,
Zaria Kaduna State, Nigeria

Unit B-17 StreetMall Jalan Gerbang
Wawasan 1
Bangi Gateway Seksyen 15 43650
Banda Bangi
Selangor Darul Ehsan Malaysia
+60 19 605 3686