Donate for the sake of Allah

Build a Masjid

$20,025.00 raised


Sadaqah Jariyah

Your donation will make a difference no matter how little

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Reward for Building a Masjid

We all aspire to have a house in Jannah and to be admitted in Jannah. One of the ways to make that happen is to build a masjid.

It was narrated from Jabir bin 'Abdullah that the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said:

"Whoever builds a mosque for the sake of Allah, like a sparrow's nest for Allah or even smaller, Allah will build for him a house in Paradise." [ Sunan Ibn Majah 738 – Graded Sahih by Al Albani]

Why build Masjid through An-Nadaa

An-Nadaa Masjids are not just places where salaat prayer is established even though that in itself is a great action. Mosques built by An-Nadaa are educational institutes that spread knowledge and tarbiyah to the community. Du’aat and scholars visit these masjid to share the pure teachings of Quran and Sunnah with the community. Lectures and sessions are arranged in these Masajid for the full spectrum of the community men, children and even women. Special classes are arranged for the sisters so they are equipped with the knowledge to give tarbiyyah to the next generation of leaders for this Ummah.

In addition to the reward for building a masjid all the knowledge spread through this masjid will also benefit you as a sadaqah jariya

What wil be built

This cost covers a Masjid with a basic prayer hall, area for wudu and toilet.

Additional expenses will be needed if we build classes, accomodation for students and other features.

For further Information

If you need any further information or assistance in payment process you can contact any of the below numbers via whatsapp or send us an email on [email protected]

  • +2348066942685 (Abdul Rahman Nuhu- English/Hausa)
  • +60196053686 (Qairul Reeza Othman - English/Malay)
  • +97339101910 (Bader AlBader - English/Arabic)
  • +923088820338 (Salman Shah - English/Urdu)

Direct transfers

When doing a direct transfer we need our donors to send us an email detailing the purpose of the donation and a proof of transfer especially if it's for Zakat purpose. Contact information can be found here.

Nigeria Dollar Account

You can transfer funds directly to our bank account in Nigeria (USD)

Bank Name
Bank Guaranty Trust Bank
Account Number
Account Name
ANNADAA Educational Foundation
Sort Code

Malaysian Ringgit Account

You can transfer funds directly to our bank account in Malaysia (MYR).

Bank Name
Account Number
Account Name
Pertubuhan An-Nadaa Malaysia

Donate for the

sake of Allah

Your donation will go to where it is needed the most.

[email protected]
+234 806 781 4149
+234 703 873 1615
No. 57, Imam Road, Tudun Wada,
Zaria Kaduna State, Nigeria

Unit B-17 StreetMall Jalan Gerbang
Wawasan 1
Bangi Gateway Seksyen 15 43650
Banda Bangi
Selangor Darul Ehsan Malaysia
+60 19 605 3686